Sometimes just a good, repeated spraying with water will deter them, but to kill them you can either resort to chemicals or try more natural ways.
I, myself, would probably use a light spraying of Malathion first - if they return, then I would resort to something like using the dry ice method that has been discussed in previous threads.
Some members suggest systemic insecticides - I have not tried them so I can't speak of them.
Let us know what you decide.
I was thinking of wiping them down with isopropyl alcohol. its the roots I dont know what to do with I thought I should do something to the roots but dont know what.
For mealies, I just squish them or use a q-tip with alcohol. You have to keep after it for a week or two or three. Malathion is a pretty drastic first step (and it stinks - so don't use it indoors!).
Mealies like to hide in the nooks & cranies, so you should carefully peel back any sheathing or other places they might hide.
You can use isopropyl alcohol on them and that will dry them out. You will need to repeat what ever you do three times in two weeks. Once a week for three weeks. That will kill the adults first, then the larvae, then the eggs. I use Bayers three in one spray. It works great usually the first time. You can get it nearly everywhere. I've used soap (back when I was an organic gardener. All hail Robert Rodale) and other concocctions but as the years went by I just started using pesticides from HD, ect. Just don't use them in the house.
cbuchman is right - Malathion stinks and it is toxic, I have just used it for years (outside - good ventilation always!) so it is sort of the old reliable - but to be honest, I haven't had a bad bug outbreak in a while - Oh, now that I said that I can practically hear them crawling onto every plant in the house! I really look a plant over before I bring it home and any sign of pest makes me rethink purchasing it.
Alcohol works fine, but left standing on the leaves or roots can cause some damage, so once you spray it get some air circulating around the plant to keep that from happening.
Best of luck - I hate crawly things on my plants!
Handpick! simple as that.
They are fairly decent sized and slow.
Unless you have really bad infestation, find them all and kill them.
Repeat as you find more over time.
That's how I got rid of them on one of my grocery store bought phal.
Oh, after you pick and kill them, make sure if there are any white stuff left on the spot where they were found. Clean them off with Q tip dipped in alcohol.