Just wanted you to see what I almost stuck my face into the other morning when I went outside to check the plants. The biggest grasshopper I’ve ever seen!!! It was nicely camouflaged on the anthurium. After I took its picture I chased it back into the jungle behind the house. From the looks of it I believe it probably could have eaten half the plant with no problem! YUK....
Don't mean to hijack you here but yesterday I decided to repot a few of the Cyms which are in bark and the frogs love the stuff...as I was emptying one of the baskets, a tree frog about an inch long jumped out right in my direction and landed on my shoulder! I think they heard the scream across the pond out back!
Hahahha you guys are too much!
These guys are beautiful - natures at it's best.
I've got afew crickets running around my place - they got out of the frog tank. Anyways they are loud enough to keep me awake half the nite, If they start up again tonite -- I'm gonna hunt them down and eat them myself ... Gotta love the food chain
You're brave....and I'm not! I would have gotten into my army fatigue for that, although...................
last week, I walked on to my patio to check on all my 'chids and there it was! Bigger and more disgusting than anything describable....a millipede. I died....almost. One thing about Florida, they have the nastiest bugs I've ever in my life seen out here....the price one pays to live in paradise, I guess.