Originally Posted by Gazpacho
One thing I've learnt... the little pale spots on leaves like that could the scarring from leaf sucking insects... like aphids or scale for instance... and since this plant hasn't been in your possession for long... you have no idea really what could have been attacking it before you got it.
Also, I understand it is really difficult to diagnose virus... so I would isolate the plant from the collection and treat with an anti-fungal.... as well as a systemic anti-pesticide. I now do this with every orchid that enters my collection, as some insects are very difficult to see.
Also, some of those marks (not the black spots which look like fungus) could be bruises from being bumped around and knocked. One of my phallies got blown off teh bench the other day and it now has patchy marks on the leaves as a result of the fall.
All my new orchids are separated for the length of their flowering. Normally to the downstairs where my family enjoys them. And immediately sprayed with a pesticide. The potting medium is also changed right away.
After the flowers fall off I spray once more and it goes with the rest of my orchids.
Maybe that's what happened.... who knows what happens during shipping... and the friend I got it from did buy it from a grocery store.
For now I'm going to separate it.
And since I'm suspicious of it maybe I'll find it a permanent home away from the rest of my collection.