I just bought a mini phal upon taking it out of the plastic i found little bubble looking bumps on its leaf. Is that normal? should i treat it with something or take it back? Ill try to upload a pic later when my daughter gets home so i can snatch her phone . thanks!
Why don't you post some pictures??
I have one standard phal and two mini phals that display small bubble bumps on their leaves as well.
I have no idea what they are, but my guess is physiological disorder of some sort. just a guess.
The bubbles sound typical of what's called edema. It's a physiological disorder. It's caused by the plant taking up water faster than what the plant loses through transpiration. The water has no where to go, and cells swell until they finally explode. = the bubbles.
It's not a problem at all, though they won't go away. The damage is permanent. But no need to return the plant if it's edema! Here's some more info and photos of it: edema
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Thank you for posting the link to the photos of edema, Camille!
I thought edema on the leaves were clear. Well, what I think might be edema on my phals are clear at least.
The picture of a cattleya showing lots of almost black edema comes as a relief.
Most of my cattleyas came with almost identical look. I thought (and hoped) it was some kind of physiological disorder, but I am planning to get them all tested for virus.