Tia Rio:
Welcome to the Orchid Board; as you see there is always someone ready to help.
I think we all agree - use a fungicidal treatment. Is you decide to remove the plants from the moss and replant, you can dust the roots with cinnamon. It does seem to help with bacterial infection and also seems to keep the fungus at bay.
As for your plant, I do believe it to be too late for the orchid you show in the pics. If you do throw it out, you might want to remove the peat moss from around the roots (throw all of it away!!) and inspect the base and roots of the plant. Sometimes this will show fungus growing or give you better indications of perhaps insect damage. I have learned a lot from looking over old root systems of dead plants, but be sure and wash your hands very well before you touch any other plants.
At this point, I would try and root the kieki - this should be pretty easy with the development that you already have. There are various ways you can do it, but I would just sterilize the stem with hydrogen peroxide, cut the stem into sections with sterile tools; leave the kieki in a section of the stem that is about 3-4 inches long with the plantlet in the middle. Lay the stem on sterile peat moss and keep it humid. Some rooting hormone or Kieki paste would help the roots to develop.
There have been a lot of posts lately about rooting the flower stems in sections like this and you might look some of them over as they really go into detail. The Advanced Discussion currently has one post that is named "method for obtaining 12...."; there are some tips there you could use.
Is there any way you can put your plants on humidity trays or place a humidifier near them? 20% is sooo low for most orchids..Your temps seems rather warm, so the trays could help you a lot!
Hope some of this helps - Best of luck
Have a great day and Happy New Year!