i really need some help with my orchid. it's the first time one had crown rot and i didn't know. the plant was growing a keiki that i removed too early because i thought it had own roots but it didn't. the rot is dry and i've read on the internet that i should sprinkle some cinnamon. i'm very scared that neither the plant or the keiki will survive. please help me with an advice!!!!
Phals with crown rot will generally produce keikis to try and survive. If those keikis come from the base of the plant (basal keikis) it's best not to remove them at all. If they form on a flower stem you can remove them when there are several roots over 3" long. You can use cinnamon if you want but just care for the plant as you normally would and it will do whatever it can to survive.
i really need some help with my orchid. it's the first time one had crown rot and i didn't know. the plant was growing a keiki that i removed too early because i thought it had own roots but it didn't. the rot is dry and i've read on the internet that i should sprinkle some cinnamon. i'm very scared that neither the plant or the keiki will survive. please help me with an advice!!!!
There are three concurrently running threads on crown rot on different sections of the OB. You might go to the top of the Forum Menu, click on the 'Search' icon and type in Crown rot. There are 500 references there with more answers than you will have questions! Great place to start.
Welcome to the OB,
Cym Ladye
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 12-26-2012 at 02:40 PM..
I have saved several plants with crown rot by carefully dissecting off all the nonviable tissue first. Then carefully blot the remaining tissue about 3 separate times with a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Allow it to dry and then dust it lightly with cinnamon. Good luck! The keiki is more complicated. The only way I have gotten a keiki without roots to survive is to put it in moist sphagnum moss in a plastic baggie sprayed down with physan-20 and keep it in medium light.
ok,so here are some photos with my sick orchid. it's been like that since the last time i posted, no changes. i sprinkled some cinnamon in between the leaves, and the rot seems to be very hard and dry. idk, maybe there is something else i could do?
yeeey! good news! my plant has grown a new keiki, and the one that had no roots is in bloom right now i kept that baby in a cup of water for a couple of months and it developed roots and a spike
the one with the mother plant seems good to me, it also has a spike even though the mother plant lost one of it's leaves
Last edited by OrchidBlossomss; 06-12-2013 at 05:12 PM..