Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf!
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Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf!
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Old 12-23-2012, 12:59 AM
NorthAmericanKiwi NorthAmericanKiwi is offline
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Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf!
Default Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf!

Hi, I'm new to growing orchids, I was given the phal I have now for my birthday in October, immediately went onto the American orchid organisation site, and surfed the web for proper care. I have been keeping it in my west facing bedroom at the back of the room where it gets very diffused light. I have been watering it every week or so, maybe missing a week or several days every now and again when the medium was still wet. I have also had a saucer of water with gravel (cleaned) underneath the phal.

When I first got it, one of the bottom leaves had a little yellowing on the tip. This has progressed up the leaf over the past two months. The phal finished blooming about mid November and I have left the stalks on as I have not any ideas how to sterilise it after cutting.

If anyone has any ideas what might be wrong, help would be appreciated.
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Old 12-23-2012, 07:42 PM
Brooke Brooke is offline
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If it is the bottom leaf I wouldn't worry about it, it is just shedding an old leaf.

If you have your Phal across the room from a west window you need to move it a couple of feet away from the window. Across the room is too dark for a Phal to grow properly.

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Old 12-23-2012, 07:48 PM
tom_e_boi tom_e_boi is offline

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Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf! Male

If you could post some pictures, that would help others make a proper assessment and diagnosis of your situation.

If the spikes are still green, then you can just leave them alone. Sometimes they'll bloom again from a node lower down on the spike, or on rare occasions they'll even produce a keiki. Tho, I've never had anything but blooms on mine. It just depends on your preferences. As for me, I prefer to just trim off the spike(s) and let the plant focus on making bigger better blooms next season.

About the yellowing leaf, just cut away all of the yellowing part, cutting back into the healthy tissue to ensure that you get all of it and to prevent it from spreading. Then just use some regular ground cinnamon on the cut to seal it up. Ground cinnamon has some wonderful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. I always make sure to have some on hand for when it's needed. On the other hand, it could also be the plant naturally shedding one of its lower leaves. It's difficult to tell exactly w/o any pictures to see for ourselves. Tho you did state that the yellowing part was mushy, which isn't good, and will most definitely have to be removed.

Well, I hope I've helped a little. Maybe some others will come along with some more advice too. Once again, if you could upload some pics, that would help.
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Old 12-24-2012, 09:40 PM
NorthAmericanKiwi NorthAmericanKiwi is offline
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Help phalaenopsis orchid has yellow mushy leaf!
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Thank you for your advice,
It turned out that down the road that very day I posted my problem, that a very experienced orchid grower lives. He said the same thing. But the cinnamon thing is new, and super handy! I have since moved my orchid up o our holiday home where it is in a much more brightly lit room that revives lovely sun
Thank you very much, I'm glad there's such a helpful place around.

Oh and by the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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ideas, newbie, phal, phalaenopsis, yellow leaves, mushy, leaf, yellow, orchid

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