The test kits test for the most prevalent viruses (TMV and CRS, and others) in orchids. That's not to say you would never have a virus the test kit will not pick up, but it is rare.
I looked at your pic, and before I even read the name I thought "Wow - that looks like my Epicat. Siam Jade 'Avo'. Not the streaking, but the odd twisting and bending of the stems is almost exactly like mine - they are not the straight upright psuedos you usually encounter - I think that might be the epidendrum that is coming out in it!
Was this plant damaged around the area of the black streaks? If these are cracks or bruises on the leaf surface, then often a fungus will turn it black. When I get a crack, I dust it with cinnamon to stop it from turning dark. But am I also seeing yellow streaks? Either way, I think I would isolate it and test it before I put it in with my other orchids.
If it is fungal, than there are tons of commercial fungicides to use, but I use Captan on most of mine. It is an old standby, but it works well. It would not hurt to treat for a fungus, even if you don't have one. It will not hurt anyway.
I looked online and it looks like this variety tends to appear somewhat scraggly or anemic in it's growth - that would describe mine well!

Let us know about any damage - that is a sure-fire way to get an infection started!