leaf spotting on cattleyas
Hi all,
I just received a bunch of new plants and although most of them look really healthy and perfect, there are two that have markings that concern me a little. I'm attaching pictures.
The one with the black spot is a Pot. Mem Seiohi Iwasaki 'Burnt Orange' x C. Horace 'Maxima' AM/AOS and the other one is a Blc. Malworth 'Orchidglade' FCC/AOS.
They both also had some white dust on the dry covering on the pseudo bulbs (I forget what it's called) that I peeled off.
I emailed the grower and this is what he said: "I think it little black spots were probably caused when the leaf was still immature I sprayed it with a fungicide and sometimes it will leave a small burn. The other leaf larger black spot was probably caused in shipment sometimes the plants produce this when they are subjected to dark and cold conditions. If it starts to spread I would cut in back of it with a sterile cutter. If for any reason the plants do not grow well then let me know."
I guess I just wanted a second opinion and advice as to how to proceed. Right now they're away from the rest of the plants just in case.