Lepetitmartien, merci beaucoup pour le lien au pdf! I try to collect all the information I can get about potential problems.
And upon closer inspection of the virus pictures I think I am leaning more towards a potential Cercospora infection. Then again, the only picture of a cercospora infected leaf that I saw that matched mine was on the aos.org site and I only found it searching for cercospora directly thanks to your mention of it.
I tried to cut all infected leaves out, but found more chlorotic spots on other leaves and the whole plant ended up looking so miserable I finally threw it away

I think it's time I start a Physan preventive treatment solution at certain intervals. For sure, I'll make sure I never drip water on any plants again. Now pot, blade and saucer are all being disinfected. Not taking chance on either virus or fungus anymore.
My poor fasciata's death will not be in vain! Thank you all for your input