And FAIL! I ordered 2 anosmum plants from them. Just got them today. They are from seed propagation. I had one test strip left and tested one of them, and its positive for CymMV! I have more test strips coming and Agdia offered a research permit to me to do further testing to see if the plant is giving a false positive due to a protein or enzyme or something else. Out of 7 plants, 6 suppliers 100% positive is excessive. There has to be other people who have dend anosmum and have tested them.... Why aren't they chiming in?
Where did you sample? Did you sample a leaf preparing to drop or a brand new fresh leaf? All of my samples have great healthy looking leaves or started to show the very faintest chloranopsys (green and yellow splotching). See the above pic. They were from the middle of the canes.
Last edited by Wfuavenger; 11-28-2012 at 03:39 PM..