Hi everyone ...
I have discovered unwanted visitors on my orchid roots. What I know so far:
1) there's about 10 I can see at all times, in different sizes, which means there's probably 10 000 of them in the media

2) they don't jump, seem to have 6 legs and very short antennae, all silver-white and under 1 mm, they hide when I get really close, but not as fast as I would expect
3) there's none on the leaves and no damage I could see anywhere (no white stuff, no marks..)
4) I repotted it about a month and a half ago, so mostly fresh media, only a little was stuck to the roots, which i did not remove
5) none seen on the other orchids, but they have been separated for a long time
There's problems as well. There are 4 spikes on it, so I really don't want to do anything too drastic to it, but I would hate to lose the spikes to the little guys, even though they don't seem interested in the plant itself right now. Also, living in a small country, in the EU, we don't get much of a variety in pesticides or poisons, none that I have seen I would use on my orchids...
I would really love, if someone could identify the little guys and also recommend a household remedy I could use to wipe them out without killing the plant
Thank you