Help Please

I have had a Mtssa. Charles M. Firch seedling since January 2013. I had it in a generally east facing window and it seemed pretty happy there, growing new pseudo bulbs, roots and leaves.
I put in a lighting system a few months ago and added a humidifier not long after that.
I moved my Oncidiums, Catts.. Dendrobiums and this Mtssa. under the lights. I moved ,y Milts. closest to the humidifier.
I noticed that this Mtssa. is now having black and rust colored areas and spots on Bulbs and leaves. Here are a couple of pictures..if you click on the pic you can get a good close look!

I have removed most of the leaves with the spots and cleaned up the pseudo bulbs.
I am hoping that it is just in a funk about being moved.
any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated!