Green moss growing in orchid pots?
Hey guys,
I've just noticed this weird green moss growing in the pots of my three orchids. These include one phal, one dendrobium nobile and one lime-green phal lookalike with thick blossoms. I've watered all three about every ten days, every other time with some fertilizer, letting the water drain out through a hole in the bottom of the glass pot.
I think the phal lookalike came with green moss growing in the topsoil when I bought it from the local flower shop. I've just now repotted it with all fresh soil. I also repotted the phal and rinsed off the roots and pot thoroughly. The dendrobium has such dense roots though, and I'm not sure I can easily uproot it without doing massive damage to it.
Any suggestions on what this may be, how to combat it and prevent it happening again?
Last edited by Tickolas; 10-02-2012 at 02:28 PM..