i bought the bonide brand systemic and i was wondering if any one had any luck killing mealy bugs on orchids with this. i have a few specimen size species dendrobiums and i would like to treat them before they go into winter hibernation. also i know this isn't a cactus site but if any one know if this product would be good to be used on a 6 foot saguaro. the saguaro is very very old and alot of money so please don't give any info unless you're realy sure.
you have little patience and even less tact in your approach. as you figuring this site wasnt useful, you have fulfilled your own prophetic vision. made a post and gave it less than a day before you got upset. maybe you should be at a cactus site seeing how prickly you are.
if it was that damn important you would maybe learn how to cipher directions....
you have little patience and even less tact in your approach. as you figuring this site wasnt useful, you have fulfilled your own prophetic vision. made a post and gave it less than a day before you got upset. maybe you should be at a cactus site seeing how prickly you are.
if it was that damn important you would maybe learn how to cipher directions....
yes, i have very little patients. i'm from the north east. i don't have time to bull crap. i paid an extra $30 to have over nite shipping from fedex so yes i would like to know what i'm putting on my collection of orchids before it arives. alots at stake. if it killed my orchids i'd be out 1000s so go to hell
I'm not familiar with this product myself, but googled it + mealy bugs. Seems it is labeled as effective against them. Don't know about the cactus ... Hopefully others who have used the product will chime in with there experiences.