Your plants look quite healthy to me, but in picture 3 and picture 5 the plants look like they are potted too 'deep'. What I mean is that the bottom leaves look like they're covered by the bark in the pots. You should try to avoid covering leaves, even the small, bottom ones, with the bark mix. The moisture from the bark in constant contact with the leaf could cause rot. Are the yellow spots appearing on the bottom leaves or on the bigger, newer, leaves? Try to scrape some of the bark off of the top to get a bit of air around the bottom leaves - you shouldn't have to repot.
White fuzz on the roots could be fungus or mealies, or it could just be the white 'fuzz' that some roots develop naturally. It would be hard to advise without a picture. Phals are tough, it shouldn't mind too much if you take it out of the pot again. The plants look healthy, so you could even leave the one with the white fuzz out of the pot for a day or two and let the roots air out. It won't hurt it. Take a picture and post it. If it is fungus on the roots, the fungus will not like being in a drier, airy, environment. If you don't want to take another picture and you're worried about it, then you can soak a cottonwool bud in methylated spirits as suggested in a previous post and gently rub the affected area. This will be a good remedy for fungus and pests.
Do you use fertiliser? If so, what type and how often do you fertilise?