I still can't identify an orchid problem before it's too late. I hope to find the help i need here. these marks concerned me after readiong some posts about them.
the 1st 2 are some strange skin cancer looking spots on my phal. taisuco kaaladian. only on the lowest leaf and they appeared in the spring when i took them out for summering and alot of the plants got sunburn including this one. The black parts look too round like a virus and warty and the leaf margins have the black streak too. so burn or virus?
3rd one is my ryncholaelia digbyana. its growing nice and this little part is just dicoloured like rust. it came like this and hasnt spread but gotten a little more orange lately. it only the glaucous bloom furry stuff on the surface. the leaf it covers is still firm and healthy it just has a few specks in there that were suspicious to me but it could just be a stain from something...
4 is on a lc bonanza queen panamint. they just seem to be dried up water blisters on an old bulb but just in case if you guys say otherwise
5 is on the new growths of a blc merrily murrison larry and theyre wierd. the started out like concentric rings in the same red color as the plant now that its getting more sun and then they grew as the growth grew and now theyre turning green again to blend in with the rest of the leaf. kinda just blotchy but again the rings were suspicious. this one only developed after i started using foliar feed and superthrive so maybe a correlation?
and the last one 6, is an aloha case that has the same blotching as the one above but its bright green and dark green and only happened on the older leaves. the new growth is fine. again it only appeared after using foliar feed and s.t. on the plant.
so theres my concerns at the moment. hopefully now that i could get some input i will be able to identify these problems on my own instead of having to post panicked posts.

thank you