Hello clxt7321 !
I actually meant to post this in a thread, but saw your thread name..so...
Awhile back I was able to buy a Paph. armeniacum (at the London Orchid Society)...(can't wait to see it flower!).
Anyway, when I was watering my plants one day, I noticed that there was 2 centipedes crawling around in the sphag moss.
Now I know they are carnivores, so left them in there. After several months it seemed that there was a lot more...AND...very little of any other bugs like:
Fungus Gnats
As far as I have read, they will do no harm to the plants, HOWEVER any other bug is TOAST!
Better then chemical insecticides and they won't "travel" away from the confined area I have them in.
PERFECT RELATIONSHIP (bug wise that is!)
So, if you do find centipedes...leave them to their hunting, 'cause it only benefits you and your Orchids.
...I am now conducting an experiment with my mother's orchids...lol...
I took one of the larger centipedes and put it in with her Paph, that has a lot of mealy bugs. If I am right...within 30 or so days. They will be all gone.