If your interested in getting another orchid you should check out the members project. We are going to do a summer project. If you want sign up and if you decide you don't want to do it later it is okay. It's a lot of fun. We all vote for a plant and then we buy the winning plant and then we all compare notes and help each other grow them. It gets people to try a new orchid they might not otherwise buy. Look under members projects. There is a sign up thread and a plant suggestion thread. You should join! You learn a lot!
Wynn Dee for everything. Yes, hope she has many more blooms in the future!
I went onto the summer project links, and...
A whole universe of orchids out there!!! Little overwhelming for someone who knows ...uh, sooo much... Maybe I should change my usernm to crazy4orchid?!
I don't have time to look through all pages yet, but hopefully can get to tonight...looks like fun though!
Yeah it can be overwhelming with all the different kinds of orchids. I'm still learning about a lot of them too. There are like 30,000 species of orchids and they live in every continent except for Antarctica so I don't know who wouldn't be overwhelmed! It's one of the biggest plant families in the world! Not all of those species are grown in cultivation though. Then there are thousands of hybrids too. But I hope you sign up!
One of the biggest plant families! Didn't realize that...gives me a whole new level of appreciation for the orchids. I'll keep an eye on the thread and see what to do.
I'm glad your plant looks better! Yeah keep an eye on it. Even if you sign up you don't have to purchase the plant in the end. I might not if the plant is too big or if it is something I know I don't want. I have a space issue! I need to quit buying plants!
Ditto, Wynn Dee. I also want to make sure I will want the chosen orchid and it will be a commitment because I may be doing cartwheels (and whatever else) to keep it alive. I *was* eyeing one of the miniatures, but I resisted...so far. An orchid basics book first...I can do that.
Yeah a good book is handy. Part of the reasoning behind the project is to buy a plant you might not otherwise buy and a lot of people in the past projects have found out that they really liked the plant even though they didn't think they would. It gets people to branch out a bit. Say you only like Phals and nothing else but you tried the project plant and it opens up a whole new species and genera of orchids that you like now! The price limit is $20 for the US so it's not expensive. Of course you can spend more if you'd like or less if you can find a blooming size or near blooming size plant for less than $20. Camille is the one who is organizing it and last project she did not let people sign up after a certain date. That meant if you didn't sign up by that date you couldn't vote and you had to let the people who did sign up buy plants first. But then you could buy the plant and participate later. The main reason for that was because we were having a hard time finding enough plants for all the US members. It seems this project doesn't have as many participants and we are doing it a bit different. Instead of choosing one species we are going to choose a group of related species and their hybrids. This will allow more plants to go around since we had such a problem last time finding enough of the same plants in all three regions (US, Canada, Europe). And of course you would have all of us to help you with your new plant!