dear Ladyslipper and others with scale problems: I had scale on the majority of my Bromeliads, and, was frustrated by trying several things that did not work. At last, I spoke to a local orchid grower from Chapman's Orchids here in central florida, and he recommended a product called Orchid Pro. Long story short, I eventually got so fed up that I went ahead and tried it, and it was a godsend. After about 10 days I noticed a big difference, and after about 2 months, my scale problem was solved, has never returned, and my orchids, bromeliads, and roses have never looked better.
If you are looking for something to try, and I can tell you it worked for me, use it. They only sell it in commercial quantities, except for on their website, where you can buy it by the quart or gallon.
TurfPro USA - Home I hope it helps you like it did me.