How I deal witt black rot/mildew...
Just for information: I have in the past had to deal severely with black rot/mildew, on new growth of cattleyas. What I did was to cut off below the rot with a sterile knife, then spray with alcohol. Then I immediately dusted the cut with horicultural sulphur. After yrs. of experimenting, I have found this method to work ALL the time! The alcohol kills the bacteria, & gives a moist place for the sulphur to stick to. The sulphur kills any bacteria, also. Needless to say, I cried when I had to cut new growths on three cattleyas, but it had to be done to save the rest of the orchid(s) This Winter I will have flowers on all three, & will make sure that my humidity stays at or below 50% and NO water gets into the new growth... These are real experiments on my own orchids... BettyE
Last edited by BettyE; 07-08-2012 at 07:16 PM..
Reason: typo