Camille- The thrips are all light brown and I believe they are all larvae because they do not fly but crawl really fast once I start attacking them. I accidently damaged some flowers while trying to kill them.
For the first time, I saw one adult. It was darker brown and had wings. It either flies or jump away really fast, but I eventually followed it along and killed it. Yay!!!
I haven't noticed any damage on plants or leaves. but I'm worried in case they start sucking/chewing on plants and spread virus. so I better do something then.
Bud- thanks you for the kindly posting the recipe for me.
I found your recipe on some other thread last year and tried it. I love cinnamon so I loved it while spraying it. I also like it becuase it is harmless to me.
One thing I noticed is that the cinnamon extract leaves cinnamon coloring on my bath tub and never comes out.

Maybe I should put each plant and pot inside plastic bag and then spray over to avoid. I'm in a new apartment so my bath tub is all white at the moment.

By the way, do you know if the bugs die on contact or do I have to mist the mix heavily for a while to suffocate and kill them?