Cattleya: virus, bacteria or sun burn on leaves?
I am completely new to the “orchid world” and to this “orchid board”. I’ve shown interest for orchids for about 3 months now and in these months I’ve acquired about 60 different orchids. I know it’s going to be challenging for me, but I’m ready to learn. Last weekend a friend of mine gave me one of her cattleya orchids as a gift (she has a whole bunch). As I was observing it I noticed that 3 of the leafs have black marks on them. I’m not sure if this is a virus, bacteria or if it’s just a sun burn. I currently have it separate from all the others orchids. Please let me know what it is or what it could be and what to do. Btw I tried uploading the photos but I think they are too large. I can email them to whoever would like to see the pictures.
Last edited by adalberto09; 05-17-2012 at 01:18 PM..
Reason: Adding photos