Well, I am (hopefully) soon to be the proud mommy of my first blooms from an oncidium ( I think it's an oncidium) and I'm really anxious. I have a phal that spiked, and the spike was visibly growing in length each day, but suddenly the tip got off color, and it looked ill. This phal spike then started growing again from the side of the 'ill' tip, and as we (I) speak, it's once more on it's way-but this post isn't really about that-just wanted to add a little background.
The plant in question now (the oncidium) has two fairly large flower buds, but I'm not sure if they'll open. I'd post a pic but there are issues with this computer at the moment. Anyway, the flower buds are a yellowish white, which could just be an indication of what color the flower will be-or, it could mean that it's getting sick. ??? Am I just being a worry wart?