Brown/black spots on Masd. coccinea
I recently purchased 2 Masdevallia coccinea from an orchid grower online from TradeMe (our take on eBay), and he sent me 4 instead. Thought it was lovely, that he had lots laying around and just wanted to clear some out. Then I went to his nursery and he mentioned that he sourced them in every year to sell because they don't grow well in that area. thought it was weird then that he sent me extras when he purchases them from someone else and still had some others for sale.
Anyway, 3 out of the 4 have a lot of growth, but also horrible spots. some of the spots are just brown circles, and others are light brown puckerings on the underside of the leaf. then theres also what seems to be the leaf tip dying back.
did some research, and thought it was fungal, so i've sprayed them with neem oil. i live in a one room apartment, and only have one window where light comes through, so most of my orchids (minus the phals) are on a table near that. So, those three have to live outside/garage while they stink (got a huge surprise when i opened the bottle, big chunks of neem tree and its a horrid smell).
After more research on here, I'm now unsure if its fungal and might just be the growing conditions they were in before I got them? The other one I got thats spotless is much younger, with less than half the leaves and looks healthy. And the spotty ones have one/two new growths coming through as well. I have another one that I got last year (that I nearly killed before I found out they like to be crowded :/) that seems happy, spot free (and resilient...).
Should I keep going with the fungicide, or do you think it is just an environmental issue? Don't want to bring them back inside if they're going to infect some of the new plants I recently got. But don't want to be mean and leave them outside, as its been reaching 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) in my area recently.