I potted a bunch of seedlings in spag. over a week ago, now as the spag has dried out, I am starting to see more and more white fuzzy growth on a few of the roots that are sticking above the spag. It seems mostly on the browner or more shriveled roots. Some had damage from the bare root shipping. Should I be concerned about the continuation of this as rot? I ordered some physan 20, should I give them a dunk in that for good measure?
I really haven't been able to take pics, but the white fuzz has grown to cover some of the spag. I believe it to be mold, and I did dip them in physan, but it has not seemed to help. I don't have a fan on them, so I am going out to buy one to stir the air. What can I treat the mold with? Or will the fan be enough?