Sterilizing cutting tools.
In another thread we were discussing how to sterilize cutting tools to prevent the spread of virus. In that thread I said:
On further research I have to conclude that Physan is likely not capable of destroying most plant viruses.
I am going to have to rethink my tool (clippers) cleaning strategy. Hypochlorite is effective but it is corrosive to metal. Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde are effective but they are nasty smelling and just generally nasty. Chlorine dioxide solutions are effective but are rapidly destroyed by sunlight. Alcohols are not very effective. I may have to start flaming my tools. I wonder if an alcohol lamp would be sufficient for flaming my clippers?
I have decided to move to flame sterilization, probably using a butane or propane torch.
One problem is the Fiskars brand shears that I am using have a lot of plastic - on the handle and in a lock slide.
I expect that I will likely eventually ruin that as I flame the blades. Japanese hand pruning shears are often available constructed only of metal. I would like some that have a spring that opens the blades. Does anyone have suggestion for a good but not too expensive brand?