Squirrel disaster
Does anyone know if Bone Meal attracts squirrels? I am in Brooklyn NY and in the spring / summer I keep plants and many orchids outside on the fire escape.
The squirrels made a disaster worse than the past year. I wonder if adding bone meal attracted them or it is just a more aggressive batch.
Any suggestions? I had sprinkled habanero powder weeks ago. I make my own spray with pepper and garlic and I wonder if it sticks. Are those sprays with pepper that sell at HD/ Lowes effective? do thy stick any experiences?
Lc Tropical Pointer: DISAPPEARED but 2 leaves!
Laelia lundii disappeared ( I have a 2 pb division mounted so I am backed up)
Blc Momilani Rainbow 3 PB gone.
Den Hamana Smile 1 PB chomped.
Pomegranate, Mandarin, Coccoloba uvifera (of this I have a few more) cut down to the ground.
3 ft ficus benjamina now is bonsai material, cut half in height, tapered trunk.
Habanero peppers that I overwintered to get them going early (one started to bloom and produce) cut back to stumps to the ground!
I hope the mandarin and pomegrate can sprout back from the soil level cut.