I'm starting to get a bit worried about one of my baby P. equestris - the second to bloom of the two in spike I have.
The first flower to open was misshapen and had some strange colouration. It also won't open and stretch/flatten out as a typical P. equestris flower is supposed to do (and as the flowers on the mother plant do). The second flower started open this morning, and still hasn't opened properly, but as far as I can tell, it is also misshapen and has the same streaks as the first one, even on the lip. If I compare this with my other premier bloomer, that one's flowers don't have these streaks, or misshapen lips/petals/sepals, but then they're not the same clones...
The rest of the plant looks perfectly fine with healthy green leaves, a new root and new growth on the old ones, as well as a new leaf growing. The rest of the buds, however, all look a bit off, shape-wise, so I think the flowers will continue looking strange.
So, should I worry? Could it be virus or is it just the fact that it's a first-time bloomer that can have this effect on the flowers? I've isolated it as a precaution, but I don't know what good it'll do considering it has rubbed leaves with its Phal pals for six weeks already.
Ah, yes, almost forgot; I re-potted it recently since there was a bit of an algae infestation going on in the pot, I don't know if the re-potting could've caused this to happen to its flowers (doubt it though).
Here you have two pics of the first flower, I'll upload some pictures of the rest of the plant and the second flower tomorrow when I can take some pics of it:
Here you have a link to what the mother plant's flowers look like:
Mommy equestris