Originally Posted by YAgo
Hi guys, I need to ask Ray if Potassium Bicarbonate could work as a fungicide with phalaenopsis in LECA.
My Orchids are generating an infection from the Crown into the base of the leaves, making them squishy, transparent and weakening completely to the point that the whole plant separates from the crown.
I have been cleaning the LECA with water and Clorox, rinse well, and the plants have been submerge in Physan20 (2 tsp per Gallon). After drying I submerge them agains in water (with SuperThrive, 2.5 ml (per gallon) of SuperNova Grow an Subcultures M and B) twice a week and then placed on top of a heat mat. The Orchids have been on top of the heat mat for almost 3-4 weeks for 24/7.
I don't know what else to do, I'm loosing already 5 phalaenopsis already. New rots start growing, but they fall pray of this infection.
Please I need some help.
1) I have no idea if potassium bicarbonate would be a good fungicide, and would certainly not recommend trying it.
2) For topical fungicides, I recommend Oxi-Date (or Zero-Tol for larger area treatment) and Physan. For systemic, I agree with the Cleary's recommendation.
3) I may be wrong, but it seems that you are perpetuating, if not causing the problem by dunking the plants. Crown rot ONLY occurs when there is water standing in the crown.