Is my Phal sick?
Hello everyone. I bought a Phalaenopsis (don't know the exact species though) about 2 months ago. When I bought it I had not read too much about orchids so I did not know how to look for a healthy one. After a while I noticed that the leaves on my new phal were not like the leaves of my other phals. This got me a bit worried. The leaves are green with dark green spots, but not like what you see with some paphiopedilums, it does not look like a leaf pattern, it looks like a disease. One of the leaves has a hole in it (which cannot be from too much sun exposure because I never let them in the sun). Also, the corners of the leaves are of a purple color underneath, and the flower spike is completely spotted, but I think this might be from the plant itself since its flowers are also spotted. I'll attach some pictures to this thread. I would really appreciate if someone could help me! Thank you so much!