I noticed about a year ago that there were many tiny little bugs all over the bark in my phalaenopsis pot. These bugs are the size of a little dot, pretty much like this -> .
They are are of a greyish/black shiny color.
After one year I thought they were gone because I simply didn't notice them (probably because they are so small). However, I have just noticed they are still there and I'm starting to worry if these little buggers could potentially harm my orchid. I must say I do not see any damage on the orchid, not on the leaves, nor the roots, nor on the flowers. It really seems like they are only interested in the bark. Should I be worried? Or should I just let my orchid and the little bugs coexist?
If you blow on them, will they start jumping around? If they do, you have spring tails. Harmless little critters that indicate you may have some decomposing media. When was the last time you repotted??
Springtails will eat the decomposing plant matter before fungi do it.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"