New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post)
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post)
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Old 03-23-2012, 11:40 AM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Female
Default New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post)


I just got this little guy last week. So far the pseudobulbs look fine but I have several leaves with black spots showing. I've sprayed it with a combo insecticide/fungicide.

Should I cut the infected leaves off the plant? One pseudobulb will be leafless if I do. If I don't cut them off, how can I keep it from spreading?

Anyone know what this is? The rest of my plants are fine but I've moved the Milt away from the rest just to be safe.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 03-23-2012, 11:50 AM
Gage Gage is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Male

Many in the Oncidium alliance are vulnerable to these little fungal infections. It's from letting water get on the leaves. Spray with whatever fungicide you like to use, and increase air circulation. It usually doesn't spread if you keep the leaves dry, just leaves cosmetic damage. I have a couple of Oncidiums that I gave up trying to keep the leaves dry. Now I just give them an occasional leaf hose down with Listerine.
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Old 03-23-2012, 02:28 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Female

So I shouldn't cut off the infected leaves? Let them remain and continue treating with fungicide? I'm using a 0.2% sulpher solution, will that be sufficient?

I move this one away from the phals when I mist but I guess it hasn't been far enough away.

Thanks so much for the assistance!
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:11 PM
Gage Gage is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Male

It's up to you if you want to cut them off. If it is too unsightly to you, you can. But remember you are removing the plant's "photosenthesizers", so my personal take would be to only remove leaves if it is a small percentage of the overall plant, or if a leaf is completely overtaken, or if it looks like the infection is spreading.

I haven't used sulphur, so I can't give any experience with that. I have used Listerine and I have used a 3 in 1 product that has neem oil in it, both with good results. Although Listerine does leave a tacky sheen on the leaves, but better than an infection.
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:23 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Female

Originally Posted by Gage View Post
It's up to you if you want to cut them off. If it is too unsightly to you, you can. But remember you are removing the plant's "photosenthesizers", so my personal take would be to only remove leaves if it is a small percentage of the overall plant, or if a leaf is completely overtaken, or if it looks like the infection is spreading.

I haven't used sulphur, so I can't give any experience with that. I have used Listerine and I have used a 3 in 1 product that has neem oil in it, both with good results. Although Listerine does leave a tacky sheen on the leaves, but better than an infection.
Hmmm, I have Daconil handy, would that be better than the sulpher? I also have neem oil, should it be used at standard strength or should it be diluted further?

I also have a copper soap solution I used to use in my outdoor gardens. Can copper fungicides be safely used?

Can you direct me to a recipe for the Listerine?

Thanks so much for the help! I really don't want to lose this one, I've been waiting for it.
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:37 PM
Gage Gage is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Male

I would stay away from Copper because it is toxic to some orchids. For me better to just use something I can use on everything. I spray the listerine undiluted because it is intended for the human mouth, so it is pretty diluted already. Neem oil is great because it is also an insecticide, and recipes normally have dish soap in them so then you have double insecticide. If it is already diluted I'm not sure, but if it's straight neem oil I would just google a recipe which should be something like a lot of water, a little neem oil, and a little dish soap. Hopefully others will chime in with more experience with chemicals.
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Old 03-23-2012, 03:49 PM
ElenaMarie ElenaMarie is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Female

Sounds like a plan. One more question--promise!

How often do you spray with the Listerine?
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Old 03-23-2012, 04:07 PM
Gage Gage is offline
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New Miltonia Berries n' Cream w/black spots on leaves HELP! (x-post) Male

How often SHOULD I spray, or how often DO I spray lol? I try and spray once every couple of weeks. But it washes off before that because I have a lot of stuff mounted and hanging one below the other, so leaves get a good rinse long before my next spray. And I try and spray with Bud's recipe of soap and cinnamon extract at least every other week, but sometimes weekly. The thrips and mites get into my orchids quick if I don't do something regularly.
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