I have a favorite and expensive phalaenopsis (fragrant Yellow) that came from a vendor with the underside of the leaves with a riddling of rust red and now areas turning white. I thought it might have been from some kind of spider? I do not see any evidence of 'live' insects even with a magnifying glass. Perhaps they are no longer alive but this has done a lot of harm on the leaves. Or can someone tell me what made these imperfections and am I in danger of losing this plant? I am not very happy with this vendor and also sending miss-taged plants on several occasions
Last edited by phragman; 01-20-2012 at 05:51 PM..
Reason: Not sure the photo went through?
If it looked like that when you got it, you should have gotten a deal. There's no way any vendor should be charging big bucks for an orchid looking like yours does. I hope you pursue that with them.
If you wipe the underside, do you get red dots (tiny?) It does sound like spider mite. Sometimes misting the leaf, then looking with a powerful magnifying glass will show the mites scurrying around as they don't like wet. They can do a lot of damage in a hurry so if it's mites, you need to start treating soon. Or refuse to pay and toss it.
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Merlyn: Yes when I wipe the undersides of the leaf I get tiny red spots. I have a magnifiying glass (good one) but not sure what magnification is is. Have to check more tomorrow under better light (daylight). I don't know if these are spreading or active or just old spots from an earlier infestation? I got the plant on 9 9 2011. I have photo documentation from the day I bought it. It is a stem prop and was not a cheap plant. Maybe I should spray to be on the safe side. I did have but do not have dormant oil now. Maybe something else I could use? Of all plants I'd hate to lose this one. I do not have spiders otherwise so I know whatever it was, this plant came with troubles? Thanks
I hate to say it but it really looks and sounds like mites. If it has been anywhere near your other plants you will probably have to spray them all. It looks like a pretty bad case of it too. I would recommend neem oil if you aren't willing to try the soap, water, oil method (takes a few applications). If you do a search there are some great recipes for the later.