Spectracide is a brand sold in Big Box stores. It comes in different "flavors" so it depends on which one you purchased, i.e., the specific active ingredient. In my experience with mealy bug, and others my respond here, using a systemic is the only way to go. Many times the female will burrow into the media and simply spraying the plant does nothing for those left behind in the soil. Also, the female, which remains nymphal and without wings, spins a waxy canopy under which she lays hundreds of eggs. This is hard to penetrate and a systemic just works better when the female feeds on the plant sap containing the insecticide. The males do morph and grow wings to fly around and mate with females so they pose another problem with treatment. When I have mealy I spray the plant heavily and soak the soil with the same insecticide and then in a week to 10 days later re-treat. I use Merit concentrate and mix per instructions. If your infestation is limited, some rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip works for the local nests.