I recently acquired a phalaenopsis orchid and it was doing pretty well for a while. A few weeks ago the flowers started to wilt, then they all fell off, I cut down the spike, one of the leaves started turning yellow/brown, I cut off obvious rotted roots and planted in new medium (sphagnum moss), now there are black spots underneath the yellow/brown leaf.
The black spots are dusty and I was able to easily wipe them away with a cotton ball soaked with hydrogen peroxide. I'm now worried that my phal has something more serious. As I mentioned, I cut some of the roots but now I'm worried that I did it incorrectly. I sterilized my cutting device with a flame after every cut and I dabbed ground cinnamon on the end of each root I cut.
Thanks to an Orchid Board Member, I did notice that I had the medium packed too tightly and it was too high because it was covering the crown. So about two or three days ago I took a huge chunk of the medium out and now the orchid looks like it has more breathing room. I've looked at pictures of crown rot and I don't think that is it. Can any orchid experts explain what these spots may be?
**NOTE: I have ordered a smaller pot for the orchid and Physan 20, so now I'm just waiting for it to arrive.**
Here are both of the leaves. Only the one on the bottom is turning yellow/brown. *knock on wood*
Here's a close-up of the yellowing leaf. That blemish on the left has always been there. It looks like it may have gotten worse and may be splitting... Still not sure.
Here's a shot of the side of the yellowing leaf. The underside of the yellow leaf that is viewable in the picture is where the black spots were before I cleaned them.
Here is the back of the "good" leaf. I have studied it very carefully and have not found any black spots.