Mary and Grand, I use a 3% straight peroxide and soak for about 5 mins. Then , the 'chids get placed inside damp sphag. moss - I do not water for a few days, this gives the roots time to heal and close up.
Some sulpher prducts smell more then others, I suppose it has some to do with the strength. I use the safers sulpher, sure it does have some smell, but you might be surprised it's really not bad at all. Neem has much more of a smell and seems to last longer aswell. I dislike the scent of neem alot - but it does work very well.
Safers does have an already to use spray bottle, just shake and spray on. There is a consentrated bottle aswell, more money too - just add water. You may wanna try out the the ready mixed first.
The dish soap is used for spray down the leaves - 1/2 or 1 teaspoon per liter. Try to keep the soap off the roots as they can burn if the roots are not
covered up well. Pretty much fried out my B.nodosa
Just wanted to clairfy the sulpher & alcohol - I
do not mix these 2 as a solution together, they are used seperately. I don't want anyone building bombs, LOL!
Something new -- I've been recently be trying out something new with my 'chids - I'm excited about this one. Using fall planting bulb dusts - a mix of captain 5% (fungicide) and carbaryl 5% (pesticide) Great for leaf spots that have mealy or scale. It goes on like milky chalk stays put, smothers, dries up the insects. Cruel yet fun
Fanstastic for those deep quick spreading black marks you see on phals and for the use of crown rot ... it's so easy to use, mix with alittle water & just apply were it's needed I'm now using this paste mix on oncid bulbs that had soft rot - it's working great and the bulbs are slowly healing up. So far I haven't noticed any damage to the orchids - no burning on the leaves, bulbs or outside crown areas'.