Hello everyone! about a week ago, i moved all my orchids outside onto a shelving unit that I bought from home depot. I put it in a location that's shady at the back of my house. I wasn't sure if it gets direct sun in the middle of the day so I didn't put any shade cloth over it.
After the first day of being out, I checked the orchid and realized that this dendrobium and another small cattleya had a minor burn. I realized that the sun do hit it between 12:30 PM and 2:30 pm. So i went over the lowes and bought a shade cloth to cover the top and front area of the orchid. Now everytime when the sun comes in, it is dappled and no more direct sunlight hits the orchids.
After the burnt, a few days after, i noticed white spots on my one of my leaves. I wasn't sure what it is so i let it be. Then today, i noticed a few more at different spots on the orchids. I'm not sure if this is caused by the sun burn or it is something else. Please help me! This was a gift from my partner's mum and I do want to save it.
I water this orchid once every 4-6 days depending on the wetness of the medium. It's in a bark medium. It was doing well before. I live in Hawaii where our temperature ranges from 77F/88F and humidity of 44%/65%.
Below are the pictures of the white spots that I mentioned. Please help me!!!