What is the best dilution rate for Safer Insecticidal Soap on greenhouse orchids?
I've been having problems with mealy bug, scale and spider mites in my warm greenhouse. After using both Orthene and Malathion, the problems persist. I would like to try a less toxic product such as Safer Insecticidal Soap, but I'm not sure of the rate of dilution to use which would be appropriate for a mixed collection of orchids. Often, recommended rates of dilution for orchids are less concentrated than for other plants. Safer's does not list orchids on their label. Although the most visible infestation is on a few Cattleya plants, I tend to treat all orchids enclosed in the same space, including Paphs, Phrags, Phals, Oncidium Alliance, Vandas, etc. Recommendations would be most welcome. Thanks, Kathleen