I have a Phrag. boissierianum that I am worried about and needs some help! I'm not quite sure what is going on with it, I was thinking stem rot....but I am 99.9% sure I haven't gotten any water in between the stem and leaves. The leaves are turning a mushy brown starting at the inner part of the leaf and then moves to the outer part of the leaves and it is on both new and old growth and the lower leaves only, but I think in one of the pictures I see a hint of the brown on the stem. The roots seem happy, it is potted in bark and I acquired it this last April. I do let it sit in a saucer of water to sip water from but I don't leave it like that all the time. I'm hoping someone can help me save this baby before I loose it or it get's any worse!
Oh, and I guess growing conditions would help....this grows on an East facing windowsill along with several other orchids such as some compact Cattleya hybrids and temps are in the intermediate range nothing below 68 at night currently and around 80 during the day.
Yooks! Becca, looks like you're phrag has erwinia. Remove all the growth that has been affected as soon as you can - this type of rot moves quickly.
Once you do that Becca, spray down with the physan with good area movement, keep this plant as dry as you can - remove the tray of water.
If you catch this in time you should see new growth in a matter of a few weeks.
Stay positive, just do what you can. Good luck, Becca
Gloria, thank you for the response, I have never seen or experienced erwinia before. None of the other plants are showing any problems that are around it, but in the same room, different growing location, I have one or two others that are having issues...here is a link to my other request for help of a dendrobium http://www.orchidboard.com/community...lp-needed.html.
Becca ..... Its too hot and moist conditions. If you're summer was like ours - it just didn't seem to let up, even the nights we're too hot to sleep. The humidity was endless.
You're not alone Becca, I've lost a few paphs from this type of rot. Spider mites got so out of control in early june that I'm actually still treating for it.
What a summer!!
Even with fans blasting you can't control erwinia once it starts. Once you see it you have to treat right away, it spreads so fast.
Hi Gloria, I grow indoors, do you think 80 degrees is to hot for dendrobiums? My humidity is around 60 to 70% and I have good air circulation in the room from fans.
I removed the bad leaves tonight when I got home and sprayed everything down with Physan 20.
No Becca, I've gown my dens in those tempts avec sunlight blazing down on them morning til the end of the day. Dens are tough as nails -- Its tough love with these guys, they can be alil shifty
Good luck on you're Phrag. Please, if you can let us know how you're doing with it