Hi guys when watering my oldest phal today i noticed a small bug in the media nearer the bottom of the pot. It was really fast kind of like a flea. I only repotted it about a month ago and didnt notice anything then, i have also found small spots of sticky substances on the leaves. Are they connected, what are the bugs (i only saw 1 but i'm assuming there will be more) and what should i do ??
Any help would be appreciated as bugs freak me out
With the sticky substance on the leaves, I would be concerned about sucking insects such as mealy bugs.
Yet I have not had a problem with them so I am not sure how "fast" they move.
I'd repot it again and gently/carefully pick the roots apart, cleaning the plant diligently
Then, I would also get some Orthenex and dunk the plants a bit in that too
In the meantime, isolate it from your collection until you have time to take care of it...
Thanks its already on its own and out of the way... do you know how this happens.. is it random or sumthin that i have done/could prevent in the future ? Also do you know of any natural remedies or fungicides that i could use to clean the roots/leaves ?
Oh well they're definately not mealy bugs then, i thought they might be springtails but then that wouldnt explain the sticky stuff on the leaves .....HELP!!!
My first thought was springtails as well. Maybe the sticky substance is unrelated. Some orchids can secrete a sticky substance naturally. While that can attract some pests it does not necessarily mean you've got pests.
Do the insects tend to be most noticeable when you soak the pot in water, coming out to the surface of the water. If so that also seems to say springtails. Springtails are not harmful but sometimes can indicated you need to repot (although they are in all of mine regardless of when I last repotted).
10 drops of dish soap(any kind)
1/2 teaspoon of cinammon extract(find it in the supermarket ailse with vanilla and almond extract Mc Kormick is the brand I saw)
2 cups of tepid water from the sink
put it in a plastic sprayer
mix it and spray the whole plant then soak the pot in a basin of this mix for 5 min
Thanks Rosie i didn't realise they could secrete stuff like that naturally i just assumed problem... i'l keep an eye on it anyway just incase but it doesn't seem to have affected its health or the leaves themselves. I didnt notice anything when i was actually watering i only noticed when i was checking the roots through the pot.. like i said i only saw one and it was nearer the bottom of the pot where it is more moist. I was thinking because i just repotted maybe i need better quality medium.
Thanks for that recipe Bud really helpful i prefer to use natural stuff when i can
I spray it on cockroaches,ants, spiders... mosquitos and flies fall to the floor in mid flight when hit with the mix...
I got that mix from another forum...last year...it worked for me and its only fair that I share it with everyone.