Hello all im having a might of trouble! All of my phalaenopsis except for one has this rot i think? its spreading and the infection started all the same on each one i treated with Listerine and cut off what was first infected but it kept going!
i dont know how it spread to all of them! i water each one separately with their own water i dont mist that often its been humid enough. None of my other orchids or monopodials have been affected yet and the plants with the issues have been quarantined
I am guessing it is rot because the wounds are not sunken at first they actually looked like a blister but then it turned brown then black with a ring expanding outward from the initial blister they blistered laterally around the new leaf growths. yes its only on new leaves and trying to spread downward.
It has been very very wet recently! for a couple of weeks just kept raining and raining buckets. at night as well. then we got a series of three cold fronts that put it down to the low 60's upper to mid 50's they also bought more showers. now the temps are stabilizing but i think a combo of those two things caused this attack.
at first it was only two orchids then i saw it on my new Cornu Cervi. on the Cornu it began on the spike believe it or not. i noticed a spot and didn't think any thing of it because its leaves and spikes have purple spots so i just thought that it was one of those then it was becoming sunken so i cut the spike down into healthy tissue above a node so it can branch then i saw it on the newest leaf not more than a day later so i cut it off.
So long story short all but one phal has been afflicted i put peroxide on the crown and all the spots i can find and it foamed up pretty good which indicates some kind of infection. then i dusted with cinnamon do i do the right thing?
here is what the infection looks like.
IMG_5059 by
Sam In NY, on Flickr
IMG_5061 by
Sam In NY, on Flickr
IMG_5062 by
Sam In NY, on Flickr
IMG_5060 by
Sam In NY, on Flickr
The phal pictured is the worst and i have a lueddemanniana at the same coverage of the infection and a Schilleriana with the the newest leaf having been torn off and what was left of the leaf just turned completely brown and then black and now it is dry. its still making a bunch of new roots so i have hope that it can make a basal keiki at least. the cornu-cervi looks the best now that i cut the spike and leaf off before it could spread down to the crown. the pulchra showed one spot very tiny so i treated that with peroxide and cinnamon as well.
What do you guys think? Is my phal collection Screwed?