Originally Posted by titi_bradley
I just checked the roots, and most of them are dried up. They do have some healthy roots under the new p-bulbs though. Do you think I`ve been underwatering then?
Yup. It's possible that even with the watering schedule you describe (which would be sufficient for a lot of folks growing orchids like these in bark), and your humidity, that your plants are drying out too fast. When you water, do you make sure that the pots are really drenched, with water running thruough the pot? I ask this because large barks chips in particular almost seem to repel water once they've totally dried out...you really need to soak the bark thoroughly when you water, possibly watering it again after a few minutes to be sure that the bark has actually gotten moist.
Bright light and high air movement also cause your plants to require more moisture. I grow mostly Cattleyas, and usually pot them in pure moss because I grow them in nearly full sun with excellent air movement. Bark simply dries too fast for me, and I killed a lot of plants in bark by underwatering before I knew how to water plants in that medium!
Try to up your watering frequency, and if you're feeling adventurous try potting up one in a different medium to see if it does better. Even a finer grade of bark would probably help you, I'm thinking.