Yeah, it looks like sunburn.
Yup, put it back where it was before.
Sunburn doesn't cause rot, it causes tissue damage, which may make certain areas feel soft to the touch.
If there is rot, then you got a whole other set of problems as well. Any rotting areas should be excised with a sterilized blade or a pair of sterilized cutters.
What kind of orchid is it? I'm having a bit of a difficulty trying to tell from the angles the shots were taken.
I'm assuming it's an Oncidium intergeneric or some sort of Paph. Maybe a Dendrobium?
When you put the orchid outside, was it under direct sun? How bright was the light it was receiving outdoors? What kind of orchids were you growing it next to outdoors - were they Vandas?
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 07-19-2011 at 11:00 AM..