I have this Phalaenopsis amboinensis that started with a mild rot, even after applying fungicide it still advanced to crown rot, and now I think I lost the adult plant.
Now I still have a keiki that's safe from the rot for now, what do guys think I should do? Leave the plant alone and continue treating it or separate the two?
The general advice is to remove all the rot from the plant with a sterile sharp blade and treat the cut surface with cinnamon to help heal the cut surface. Gues this means remove the keiki, especially if it has roots. Good luck.
Hi , How big is the keiki ? does it have roots yet? and how long are they ? Sorry for all the questions .
I would pour straight 3% peroxcide in the crown of the adult once it is done fizzing,wick it out as it reverts to water keep the crown dry , set it aside shaded , continue watering if it has good roots it might produce a basal keiki . Gin
The keiki isn't very big but it has 3 leaves so far, the roots are a bit on the short side, but I guess right now to be safe I'm going to cut off all the infected regions and use cinnamon and fungicide.
An update, I found that the parent plant is now officially no longer salvageable, and another problem is that I cannot easily separate the plant now, so all I did was put a lot of cinnamon powder and fungicide to the whole plant, hopefully the keiki can be spared from the rot.
If there are any roots on the keiki even short ones I think I would seperate it. cutting on each side of the spike where it is attatched , put in Spag. in a very small pot, smaller the better .
I am not sure the parent plant would not poision it , if the rot is systemic in it . Sorry about the trouble .. Gin