Hmmm... When I discovered my paph bellatulum was actually a paph niveum, I moved it so it could get a little more light. Then I came home and it had this big spot on it that goes all the way through the leaf. I think this is a sunburn. Yes?
Now I need to know what to do with the sunburned leaf. Leave it? Remove it? Go buy some cinnamon?
Last edited by Blondie; 07-07-2007 at 10:03 AM..
Reason: added photo
I don't think it is sunburn . Is the spot soft ?
If so I would cut the leaf being sure to get below the damaged area ,or you could use peroxcide on the spot to try and dry it up then use the cinnamon . That leaf will die off anyway it is an older one . If not soft I would leave it and watch to make sure the spot is not spreading . Gin
My paphs have healed pretty quickly from rot spots (if that is what it is) and I just cut it off and sprayed Physan 20. Cinnamon would certainly be good, too. I can barely tell where I cut the leaf except the flat end. It didn't even turn brown. Hope this helps.
The spot is soft. Does this help with the diagnosis?
Might possibly be rot, based on water on leaves. I personally try to keep my Paphs dry on top. If so (in other words, if it is rot), then just cut leaf off below (heart-ward) rot and treat the cut with either cinnamon or Physan 20. Let wound dry and try to keep leaves dry in the future.
I sterilized my shears and cut the leaf off. It was a little loose, so the entire leaf came off. It's kinda hard to water this little guy without getting those bottom leaves wet somehow. I've been using the faucet in the sink. I think I will switch to some sort of watering can mechanism with a smaller spout.
I sterilized my shears and cut the leaf off. It was a little loose, so the entire leaf came off. It's kinda hard to water this little guy without getting those bottom leaves wet somehow. I've been using the faucet in the sink. I think I will switch to some sort of watering can mechanism with a smaller spout.
In my experience, you've done the correct thing. The fact the bottom leaf fell of is no real cause for concern unless others fall off as well. It's pretty common for older leaves to yellow an fall of. It's not too common for rot, however. So just watch the plant closely. There are other discussions regarding systemic treatments on orchids where you supect widespread rot. Thiomyl is the one I use, which is a systemic.