Originally Posted by Ray
I have gotten really "turned on" by Zero-tol lately.
Bought it as an alternative to Physan for algae control in the greenhouse. The first time I sprayed it - they have these nice "ready to spray" bottles that simply attach to a hose end - the algae on the glazing all but disappeared in a matter of minutes. The plants sustained absolutely no damage whatsoever.
The only negative (not much of one in my book) is the vinegar smell that lasts a few days - the product is a concentrated hydrogen peroxide stabilized with peroxyacetic acid.
Thanks, Ray. You have mentioned this product in a previous thread and noted that it may not yet be available in smaller ready to use containers for hobbyist growers such as myself. I see the "ready to spray" bottle is reasonably priced. How would I break this down to amount per quart and is it stable enough to keep a mix on hand ready to use?