So against all my better judgement and against EVERYTHING I've learned about orchids so far I bought myself a real bug infested noid phal.

It was squirming with spiders and gnats and who knows what else! I bought it simply because I fell in love with the blooms. (Just proves that I can be such a noob..

Well here are some pics of the state it was in.
(There is a gnat sitting on the root. Tried to circle it.. but I know its kind of hard to see..)
I decided to repot it and get rid off all the old media so the bugs wouldn't spread to the rest of my collection. I know I will lose many new buds because of this but maybe/hopefully the bugs wont spread.
I was very happy to realize that the roots were healthy and real long!
Well so far I've sprayed the whole plant in pesticide, killed all spiders (Yes I did it all myself, I showed those spiders who was boss and flushed them down the toilet!!!

) and removed all cobwebs and old media. I let it sit a while in some rooting hormone and carefully repotted it. phew!

Now it is quarantined in the bathroom!
So tell me have you ever done this? Thrown all your know-how aside just because of pretty blooms?
And also is there any advise you could give me with this new addition?
And oh yes.. You probably want to see the blooms that made me go temporarily nuts!