I've found over the years that the only way to cure a plant with black rot (specifically Phytophthora fungi infestation has been my torture
) is to remove all substrate, remove all contaminated parts,
remove all roots (even if they look healthy), soak in a heavy fungicide solution for 4-6 hours, and plant in
NEW sterile substrate.
I know these are drastic measures, sometimes I just end up with a couple of good bulbs... and the original plant is gone.
The other option is just to throw the plant away.
But if you do this right, eventually new shoots with new roots will eventually grow again and the plant will have a new chance to live and recover.... and bloom again in a couple of years.
Keep the recovering plant away from your other cyms. as much as possible.
Black root rot is a nasty and contagious disease, and can spread to other plants easily.
I learned all this the hard way