Thanks very much for your replies..
-after buying it from the To show, I had it on my car, there was heat, and it took me at most one hour to reach home..
-at home, I have washed the roots, then I have put it on sphagnum, but the pot is a net one, from a strawberry dried out fast..
-when I potted it, leaves were good, green and glossy
-now, i have written to the vendor, and very nice of him, he responded me..
He told me that I should not worry, because it is stress related..change of location, medium, conditions etc..
I will try not to worry

I did not know that they develop these spots when stressed out, I had a couple of them shedding leaves..
I guess time will tell..
I will put some cinnamon on the leaves nevertheless, just to be on the safe side

I will let you know how this goes..
Thanks very much, everybody